Shanahan University


The need for a university in this part of the world is long over-due. And as we embark on building one, we do not just want to build a university but a positive revolutionary university that will truly mold minds, make them uncommon assets and inject them into the society to effect the change that we are yearning for.

Shanahan University stands for integrity, truthfulness, positive revolution and excellence. The aim of building this university is to use the institution to start a very positive revolution in this part of the world. Let it be a contribution this part of the world will give to humanity. We want to emphasize character and learning. ‘Please admit the bearer’ will not work in Shanahan University, if one passes, he or she will be admitted, if one fails he or she won’t be admitted. There will be no form of corruption in the system. The local slangs of malpractice found in many already existing universities around like ‘sorting’, ‘buying fuel’ or ‘buying shirt’ will not exist in Shanahan University. Our students on graduating will already be refined gentlemen and women their families and the society would be proud of. They will be valuable assets to the society and contribute to the revolutionary progress around this part of the world and by extension the entire world.

The intention to build this university is also born out of obedience to the mandate of Christ to teach all nations. This mandate is one which the church has remained resolute on, teaching not just the faith but teaching humanity the way of life, a holistic knowledge. Building this university, we tend to achieve a revolution, not of knives or guns but a revolution of hearts, and minds; a revolution of right will-power, so that our people can decide on what is good and have the will-power to pursue it; a revolution of attachment to God and belief in the power of God who will build the University; a revolution of the right attitude to work, believing in themselves and enjoying the dignity of labour, being ready to work hard. I call on all to join in the prayer for its success, to queue into this vision of hope, hope for our people, for our state, for our country and the world.  


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