Missionary Apostolate of Onitsha Archdiocese

Donation of Faith
The Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha embraces the fundamental understanding that the Church is missionary by nature, as affirmed in Ad Gentes.
Guided by the pastoral motto of our Archbishop, Most Rev. Valerian M. Okeke, “That they may have life” (Jn. 10:10), we are committed to fulfilling our mission of spreading the Gospel with truth and conviction, reaching across borders and cultures to bring the message of Christ’s love and salvation to all.
Our Archdiocese is home to 498 diocesan and religious priests, alongside over 718 Religious Men and Women, who minister to a vibrant community of approximately 2,185,561 Catholics. In a unique economic and social context, our mission is both a challenge and a call to bear authentic, practical, and life-changing witness to Jesus Christ. Our efforts span across vital areas such as effective catechesis, providing food to the hungry, offering medical services, and ensuring quality education to youth, particularly among vulnerable populations.
Shanahan University Onitsha — an initiative designed to foster positive change both locally and internationally.
Every year, our Mission Cooperation Plan continues to make an increasing impact, as we see more lives touched and transformed. In 2024, we embarked on a new venture with the establishment of Shanahan University an initiative designed to foster positive change both locally and internationally. This institution proudly awarded full scholarships to over 412 meritorious students, equipping them with the tools to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

THE PRISON APOSTOLATE — I was in prison and you came to visit me
In response to Christ’s call in Matthew 25:36—“… I was in prison and you came to visit me”—the Archdiocese has embraced the prison apostolate. Each year, the Archbishop personally celebrates his birthday, Christmas, and Easter within the prison, turning these occasions into memorable events for the inmates. During these celebrations, the Archdiocese provides a variety of foodstuffs to sustain the prisoners for days.
Beyond these annual visits, the Archdiocese has transformed Onitsha Prison by establishing an ultra-modern Mega Skill Acquisition Centre. Equipped with computers, tailoring machines, carpentry tools, and more, the centre empowers inmates with practical skills that will serve them well upon regaining their freedom. Additionally, the Archdiocese has improved the prison’s infrastructure by sinking boreholes, renovating cells, tiling floors, painting walls, and upgrading the water system with overhead tanks to benefit both inmates and the surrounding community.
The Archdiocese remains committed to expanding this ministry, continually seeking support from our generous donors and well-wishers to further enhance the lives of those in custody.
and internationally. This institution proudly awarded full scholarships to over 412 meritorious students, equipping them with the tools to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

RIVERINE APOSTOLATE — grass-root evangelisation in the riverine areas, among the children of God in difficult mission grounds within the Archdiocese
The Archdiocese faithfully carries out its primary mission of evangelization by reaching out to communities in the riverine areas regions that often face challenging conditions such as flood disasters and extreme weather. Every Sunday, during the Archbishop’s pastoral visits, special attention is given to the rural parishes in these mission grounds. In times of hardship, when community members are displaced or in need, the Archdiocese steps in to provide care, ensuring their welfare and well-being.
In these vulnerable areas, the Archdiocese offers free education and scholarships to all children and supports the community by paying the salaries of local staff. This commitment reflects our ongoing dedication to nurturing the spiritual and material well-being of every child and family in the region.
We are Spreading Faith & Building Bridges.
God’s blessings have also been evident in the growing number of young men and women embracing priestly and religious vocations, as well as living good Catholic lives. Many of our priests are pursuing further studies abroad, enriching our presbyterate with fresh ministerial insights and strengthening our mission.
We are committed to sharing the fruits of our labor and missionary work with dioceses not only in Nigeria, but also in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the United States. As we continue our efforts, we extend an invitation for your generous support and cooperation in advancing this divine mission. Together, let us proclaim the Gospel, serve the vulnerable, and spread the light of Christ’s love to the ends of the earth.
Contact Our Mission Coordinators|
- Rev Fr. Ignatius Okonkwo - Mission Coordinator. +1 (269) 267-1278
- Rev Fr Patrick Okonkwo -+1 (320) 583-0423 Assistant Mission Coordinator
- Rev Fr Vincent Obi - +1 (618) 384-1650
- Mission mailing address: 20403 Encino Ledge Suite 59193, San Antonio, TX 78259
2024 Pastoral Letter
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”, is one of the most important statements of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures. It contains both a challenge and a promise which are fundamental to the Christian life. (art 4)
“Archbishop Valerian Okeke “