Testimonies on his Severity

He trained us strictly with lashes to see that we know almost every part of hymns with their different tones. He told us to drink eggs to see that our voices be changed to all tones required… Each time one…

Testimonies on his Ascetic Life

At Ufesiodo, he would go to say Mass, and would go for very long periods of time without food. I remember one occasion after Mass, he told me to do the same. I was supposed to be going around getting…

Testimonies on him as a Seminarian

He tried to do everything with perfection, even ordinary manual labour…. At Igbariam we had to cultivate the soil. We had general work and private work. Private work was cleaning our rooms, the refectory, the dormitory and so on. General…

Testimonies on his childhood

He had a very profound faith in God, in the Providence of God and in particular Providence. He told me with his own lips how his father, in the bad old colonial days, got into trouble and was put in…

Testimony from Tansi’s Fellow Monk

Personal Reminiscence of Fr. Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi by Fr. Robert M. Hodge ocso Mt. St. Bernard Abbey. Now in his nineties, Fr. Robert recalls his first experience in the monastery with Fr. Cyprian as a fellow novice. Father Cyprian…

Editorial on Father Tansi

In praise of Father Cyprian In the year 1098 the Cistercians were founded in France by Saints Robert, Alberic and Stephen. The highlight of the ninth centenary celebrations will be the beatification of The Venerable Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi in…